

What we do

SAVE Foundation is a pan-European umbrella organisation with the purpose of networking organisations that strive to halt and reverse the trend of genetic erosion of agrobiodiversity, the biodiversity in agriculture.

Generations of breeding have given rise to a multiplicity of domesticated animals and plants that are optimally adapted to their specific environment. Today, this genetic, cultural, and historical heritage is increasingly threatened through commercial agriculture and consumption habits.

Agrobiodiversity is not only an essential part of biodiversity, but also an essential instrument for rural development in marginal areas, especially in areas of special environmental value like traditional Agro Eco Systems (TAES). In those areas, conservation of Agro-Biodiversity is an option for the local people to improve their income and for sustainable landscape management.

Local breeds and varieties are well adapted to their environment and need little or no nutrition supplements. Hence their ecological footprint is generally better than in the modern high-yielding breeds and varieties.

In times of climate change the living conservation of agricultural biodiversity is essential, since their broad genetic spectrum allows adaptation to an changing environment.

Who we are

SAVE Foundation works with a wide range of local stakeholders to characterise and monitor threatened diversity and to increase capacities, promote in-situ/on-farm conservation and to provide knowledge, information and practical support.

  • SAVE Foundation is active since more than 20 years.
  • The SAVE network currently consists of 25 partner organizations in 16 European countries.
  • SAVE Foundation stands for the safeguarding of agrobiodiversity, within unique human systems throughout Europe.
  • SAVE Foundation acts as a representative of NGOs and farmers/breeders and strives to ensure that their voice is heard and their needs for grassroots development are met.

An inextricable link lies between human culture and agrobiodiversity. This is taken into account in all agrobiodiversity conservation activities.

Our Structure

SAVE Foundationwas funded under Dutch law. Thus, there is a legal association based in Switzerland e.g. for funding reasons and to strengthen lobbying: Verein SAVE Foundation Schweiz. The SAVE Project Office is connected with the Swiss association.

The organisation chart (Organigramm)  shows the SAVE structure.