Alpine Network for Agrobiodiversity
Aim of the Alpine-Network is the exchange of know-how of circles involved in the field of agrobiodiversity
Fundus Agricultura Alpina
Knowledge about traditional land use systems, keeping of breeds and varieties is going to be lost faster than the breeds and varieties themselves. The online platform Fundus Agri-Cultura will keep the knowledge on the basis of public science. The platform is established initially for the German-speaking regions of the Alps. More Alpine languages will follow
Fundus Agri-Cultura Alpina
Feasibility Study Report 2011 (ger)
Long-term Monitoring: The Alpine Delphi 2007
The monitoring studies (below) showed that there is a need to create a permanent, simple monitoring infrastructure equipped with an early warning system. It is clear that a study cannot be repeated every few years. Therefore the “Alpine Delphi” was developed to keep an overview about the situation of the Alpine genetic Resources.
Final Report
Monitoring in the Alpine Circle
In 1993 a first study was done to get an overview about the animal genetic resources in the alpine circle; published in the Alpine languages (ISBN 3-905209-03-9).
Agricultural Genetic Resources in the Alps, Study supported by "Bristol Stiftung", published 2000/2001, Hauptverlag ISBN 3-258-06669-8. The study shows the occurrence, situation and need of action for animal and plant genetic resources in the Alps country by country.
Agricultural Genetic Resources 2003