
Events Calendar

27.Annual Meeting of DAGENE, the international Association for the Conservation of Animal Breeds

27. Annual Meeting of DAGENE (Danubian Alliance for the Preservation od Animal Breeds)

Scientific programme
Agrobiogen GmbH, Germany
23. 04. 2016
(The order of the lectures may change!)
Sambraus, Hans Hinrich: Was ist eine alte und gefährdete Rasse?
Somogyvári Enikő Posta János Mihók Sándor: Analysis of inbreeding and average
relationship of the present Hungarian Hucul Horse population
Simčič, Mojca, Kaić, Ana, mBojkovski, Danijela: Type traits of Istrian Pramenka in Slovenia compared to Istrian Sheep in Croatia
Binder, Susanne, Berger, Beate, Sölkner, Johann: Few important ancestors contribute much of the genetic material: Pedigree analysis of three highly endangered cattle breeds in Austria
Berger, Beate: Cryoconservation of boar semen - a genetic backup of Austrian pig breeding
Vincze Boglárka Szenci Ottó: The technique and findings of ultrasonographic assessment of fetal well-
being in Lipizzaner mares in a Hungarian stud farm (2013-2015)
Kiss,Pető, Tibor Sæland, Heidi Braathen, Annus Kata Gáspárdy András: Incidence and predisposition of the hip dysplasia in Hungarian shepherd dogs
Heller, Georg, Kovács Endre, Annus Kata, Raabe, Anna, Sáfár László Gáspárdy András: Ursprung und Entwicklung des autochthonen Cikta Schafes bis zum Gegenwart in Ungarn
Ivanković, Ante, Ramljak, Jelena: Autochthonous cattlebreeds in Croatia, trends and challenges
Chrenek, P. Makarevich, A. Bulla, J.: Actual Animal Genetic Resources in Slovakia
Thomas Druml, Gottfried Brem: Monogenetic disorders and their implications for
conservation breeding programs a practical example from the Noriker horse breed
Savić, Mila Dimitrijević, Blagoje Gáspárdy, András Zsolnai, Attila Becskei, Zsolt: Challenges of in situ conservation of endangered Zackel sheep type
Seregi J. Gáspárdy A. Gál J. Marosán M. Farkas R. Kovács Á. Sótonyi P. Mezőszentgyörgyi D.: The practice of the ex situ gene preservation at the Veterinary Faculty
of Budapest
Becskei Zsolt Savić, Mila, Pavlović, Ivan, Ivanović, Snežana, Dimitrijević, Blagoje, Gáspárdy András, Könyves Tibor, Relić, Renata: Assessment of some health stratus traits of endangered Balkan goat in order to improve in situ conservation program

24.4.: optional visit to Gentleiten Open Air Museum

Location Agrobiogen GmbH, Larezhausen 23, 86567 Hilgertshausen,Germany