Events Calendar
International Symposium on Modern Cattle Breeding
The first day of the symposium brings together distinguished researchers, multinational private companies and government agencies involved in modern cattle breeding that employ combined use of genomics and in vitro embryo production and addresses animal ethical concerns around the use of in vitro embryo technologies.
The second day of the symposium consists of a series of presentations by PhD students, post-docs and researchers involved in the bi-lateral Danish- Brazilian GIFT (Genomic Improvement of Fertilization Traits in Cattle) consortium . Although the researchers are from Denmark and Brazil, we are keen to listen to and share experiences from all interested participants.
Location University of Copenhagen (Frederiksberg campus), Denmark
Please contact GIFT project assistant: Gilda Kischinovsky (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for any logistical help and Symposium Chair / GIFT scientific director: Prof. Haja Kadarmideen (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for the overall scientific program for both days.