
Events Calendar

Grazing in a changing Nordic region

At this conference policy-makers and experts of different disciplines should be brought together to provide an integrated assessment of grazing in the changing Nordic region through presentations, discussions and debates on the following topics:
1.      Nordic ecosystems and their responses to grazing under climate change
2.      Historical and cultural values of traditional landscapes (conservation and restoration, biodiversity)
3.      Grazing management in Nordic conditions
4.      Environmental impact of grazing on biodiversity and ecosystem services
5.      Sustainable use and conservation of animal genetic resources in grazing
6.      Socio-economic effects of grazing in rural areas (tourism, rural livelihoods) and linking goals of sustainability with support policies for grazing based agriculture

Location Reykjavik, Iceland
The conference is organized by the Nordic Genetic Resource Center (NordGen, in collaboration with the Soil Conservation Service of Iceland.