Events Calendar
The EUROPARC Conference 2016, organised by the Parc Jura vaudois, will bring together from 18 to 22 October 2016 in the Vallée de Joux over 400 delegates from 36 European countries.
The Conference is entitled We are Parks! What role do the people play in the creation and management of a park? What challenges is the Swiss system confronted with? What aspects are relevant to other countries ?
We welcome delegates from all over Europe to join us in the Parc Jura vaudois for an exciting program exploring the theme of governance and the role of the people in our parks: keynote speakes, tutorials, workshops and many opportunities to network and share experiences with the largest gathering of parks professionals in Europe. The bottom-up democratic model of parks in Switzerland will give us the opportunity to consider how communities can and do participate in the governance of our parks.