
Events Calendar

4. International Workshop: “Mountain Environmental Education in Alpine Protected Areas”

A 4-hours  thematic  session  dedicated  to  “INTERPRETATION”  in  Mountain protected areas, with Markus Blank, working at Gesäuse National Park (Austria) and
member of the Supervisory Committee of INTERPRET EUROPE.
o  Interpretation  is  a  structured  approach  to  non-formal  learning  specialised  in
communicating significant ideas about a place to people on leisure. It establishes a link
between visitors and what they can discover at heritage sites such as a nature reserve, a
historic site or a museum.
o  1 hour presentation in the meeting room + 3 hours practical experiences in the field
o  Sharing  experiences:  questions,  contributions  and  testimonies  by  participants  are  very
Guided tour in and around the “Bayasse refuge”, small renewed information point
of the park: visit of the building and educational path with the hut keeper and staff
member(s)  of  the  Mercantour  National  Park.  Discovering  the  education  policy  and
strategy of the hosting protected area.

Café Forum: time to know each-other, to share latest news, to exchange about your
experience and the job of environmental education officer in protected areas. 

Information Table: a place and occasion to show and share some of your pedagogical
tools or publications, to bring with you.

Location France: Refuge de Bayasse, Parc national du Mercantour