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EKOLOJİ İZMİR is the only fair that represents Turkey both national and international in the field of certified organic products. EKOLOJİ İZMİR invites all industry stakeholders to İzmir Fair.

The 9th EKOLOJİ İZMİR FAIR will be held between 9th – 12th May 2018 in fuarizmir/ A Hall. Certified organic products will take place during the exhibition.

EKOLOJİ İZMİR FAIR has wide range of product categories which includes; organic food, organic textile, organic personal care and cleaning products, organic Input (fertilizer, seed, drug, trap), organic tourism, renewable energy, machine, control and certification company, analysis laboratory, alternative education.

The 9th EKOLOJİ İZMİR FAIR will be continue to arouse the interest of sector professionals and also consumers at the same time with parallel activities.


Location Izmir, Tukey