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European Federation of City FarmsConference 2019
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The EFCF’s purpose is to promote the interests and mutual co-operation of Kinderboerderijen, Jeugd-boerderijen, Gezinsboerderijen, Fermes d’Enfants, Fermes d’Animation, Jugendfarmen, Aktivspielplatze, City Farms, 4H-Farms or similar organizations that actively promote the equal access and involvement of children, young people and adults through practical experience in a wide range of educational, envi-ronmental, recreational, social and economic activities focused around farming, empowering people to improve their own lives and environment in peaceful coexistence.The vSKBN is the only national branch organization for city farms in the Netherlands.There are around 500 city farms that receive around 30 million visitors annually, almost 200 of these farms are affiliated with the vSKBN. The association therefore has an important function, not only for the children’s farms themselves, but also for the various authorities. Our association represents its members to national and European governments and organisations on major and overarching issues within the field. In addition, we stimulate and support innovations and pro-fessionalization among others in the field of keeping animals, sustainability and the extensive legislation and regulations that apply to children’s farms in the Netherlands. We want to strengthen the reputation of our branch and form an active network (both regional, national and European) in which knowledge is shared and developed.

Location Utrecht, the Netherlands