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Ecological connectivity is the basis of Alpine and global habitat and species protection.
However, with the fact of different regions having different tools to measure and improve
biodiversity, it becomes a main issue to realize an integrative concept for the protection of
ecosystems and biodiversity within the Alps, a beautiful and unique European landscape rich
in valuable habitats and structures, but endangered by over-exploitation.
The overall objective is to consolidate and enhance transnational cooperation in the field of
nature conservation and ecological connectivity for biodiversity conservation by introducing:
- An Alps-wide system of Strategic Alpine Connectivity Areas (SACA), reflecting the
valuable and potential areas for ecological connectivity, defined at large scale and
implemented in cooperation with the Alpine Convention and the EUSALP.
- An integrated wildlife management for the Alps and an increased level of
defragmentation in sectoral policies (hunting, forestry, agriculture, tourism, spatial
development, etc.).
- Solutions for human-nature conflict management as a crucial element of the success
for the conservation of biodiversity and the establishment of ecological connectivity.