Events Calendar
In this, the second conference of our Legumes series, we plan to bring together individuals from a broad spectrum of disciplines to explore the role of legumes in sustainable agriculture, with an emphasis on ecosystem services. Legumes have the potential to play a substantial role in sustainable agriculture, as a resource for pollinators and birds, in intercropping regimes, providing break crops in rotations, enhancing soil nitrogen levels, accessing soil phosphorous and promoting soil biodiversity. The overall GHG emissions associated with legume foods are low, the products are highly nutritious, and many raw legumes products can be readily stored for long periods without spoilage, so their role in sustainable food production and security is also growing.
Based in the western Loire valley we anticipate that delegates will be able to deepen their understanding of the topics, expand their networks, and enjoy late spring weather in the spectacular medieval city of Angers and surroundings. A public event (in French) will also be held locally in collaboration with Terres des Science in order to maximise the local impact of the conference.