Events Calendar
This is the 5th conference of the EUCARPIA Organic and Low Input Section since its estab-lishment in 2007, which addresses issues relevant to plant breeding for organic and low-input agriculture.
The event also hosts the final scientific conference of the Horizon 2020-funded project LIVESEED “Boosting Organic Seed and Plant Breeding Across Europe” that runs from 2017 to 2021, together with relevant sister-projects BRESOV and ECOBREED, and two projects of the Latvian National Fundamental and Applied Research Program.
Exploring underutilized genetic resources
Breeding for diversity
Breeding for culinary and nutritional quality
Living soil – plant interactions
Organic production of high quality & healthy seed
Multi-actor & participatory approaches
Socio-economic analysis of seed systems
Market & consumers aspects
Regulatory & policy opportunities
Sustainability assessment