Events Calendar
Strengthening One Health intelligence and early warning
Timely and reliable disease information enhances early warning and response to transboundary animal diseases and emerging zoonoses It supports early action, prevention, improved response and progressive approach to control food security threats.
To address the challenge, Emergency Prevention System for transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases (EMPRES) designed and developed a web-based secure information system to support country level veterinary services through regional and global disease information and analysis: EMPRES Global Animal Disease Information System (EMPRES-i).
EMPRES-i was first released in 2004 in response to the growing demand from users for global animal health information, using a systematic approach to disease information gathering and sharing.
After its active use and implementation in countries, FAO is launching an updated version of the platform- EMPRES-I +, with the following features:
- New cloud base platform with functionalities of interoperability with other data platforms from public health, animal health, and environmental sectors.
- Advanced data analytics for real time visualization and evidence-based intervention support.
- Forecasting and early warning for early action to health threats.
To promote and gain the traction of current and potential EMPRES-i users, FAO is organizing a global EMPRES-i+  launch with the FAO Director General’s presence.
With opening remarks: QU Dongyu, Director-General (FAO)
Vision: Keith Sumption, Chief Veterinary Officer (FAO)
Followed by a lively panel discussion and Q&A: Moderated by Madhur Dhingra, Senior Animal Health officer (FAO)
- Tracey Goldstein, Division Chief, Emerging Threats Division, (USAID, Washington, D.C., The United States of America)
- Nitish C. Debnath, Member of One Health High Level Expert Panel (OHHLEP), Team Leader, Fleming Fund Project, Bangladesh
- Nick Nwankpa, Acting Director, InterAfrican Bureau for Animal Resources (African Union, Nairobi, Kenya)
- Maximo Torero Cullen, Chief Economist (FAO)
Then high-level closing remarks by: Ms Maria-Helena Semedo, Deputy Director General (FAO)