
Events Calendar

Agroecology to regenerate our food systems and communities and enhance Biodoversity
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Agroecology Europe (AEEU) is an international association of members who wants to exchange knowledge and experiences on agroecology, to place agroecology high on the European agenda and to support the transition toward agroecological practices, sustainable food systems and policies.

To support exchange, reflection and bottom-up contributions, Agroecology Europe is organising together with local farmers, universities, social movement organisations, local administrations and non-governmental organisations the 3rd Agroecology Europe Forum taking place both online ( Wednesday 17 November ) and on-site (Thursday 18 and Friday 19 November).

Following its tradition, the Forum again offers a wide range of highly interactive exchanges sessions, technical workshops and field visits with academicians, universities, local farmers, experts, social movement organisations, local administrations and local/national/European non-governmental organisations.

Location online and Barcelona, Spain