
Events Calendar

XXII Simposio Iberoamericano Sobre La Conservación y La Utilización De Los Recursos Zoogenéticos

Dear colleagues and friends, I am pleased to inform you that the CONBIAND Network is preparing the events for this year 2021, this time our international symposium, as well as the events for the TRANSIBER, GASTRIBER and FORO GANADERO, will be held together with the CONBIAND-México national event.

The entire CONBIAND structure is integrated into the RARE BREED INTERNATIONAL (RBI) as active members.

 Due to the effects of COVID-19, the events will be held virtually, to prevent infections and contribute to the fight against the pandemic. We are confident that this will be the last virtual event and that we will soon be able to meet and interact as we have done for more than two decades.

 The Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla is in charge of organizing both events under the leadership of Dr. Roberto Rezéndiz, current president of the CONBIAND Mexico Network. We thank him and his entire team for the great dedication they are putting into the organization. It is sure to be a great success.

Location Benemérita Universidad