
Events Calendar

DAGENE annual Meeting
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According to the kind invitation of Professor Mirjana Baban from the Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences, University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek our Annual Meeting will be held in Osijek- Đakovo, Croatia this year, between 1 and 3 of July. A detailed program will be sent soon.
It is a pleasure for us to have successfully compiled two issues of Dagene Journal (Danubian Animal Genetic Resources, DAGR Vol. 6, Issue 1. and DAGR Vol. 6. Issue 2.) by the beginning of the year. We are grateful to everyone for their contribution to the joint publication, but especially to those who had already submitted their manuscripts early last year. After a bit of slow printing work, we can now upload the two issues to the website and send their articles to the authors in a separate file. Our Institutional Members will also receive the printed version by post. We will also take printed copies to Osijek.
To avoid possible delays in the future, members are kindly requested to prepare their new manuscripts and send them to the editors, to the President of the Editorial Board, Professor Ivanković (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) as soon as possible. It is worth keeping in mind that the materials presented at the Conference can be prepared in advance and printed out.

Location Osijek, Croatia