
Events Calendar

Festival of Ciuta Sheep
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 FRIDAY 1 JULY The wool thread 2022, THE CONFERENCE

8.30 - 8.55 Registration of conference participants

9 - 9.05 am Greetings from the organizers
9.05 am - 9.15 am (10 min) Greetings from the authorities (Simona Pedrazzi, regional councilor)

Part "MEAT"

9.15 am - 10.10 am Welcome greetings from Marco Paganoni, president of the Pro Patrimonio Association
                               Montano Section of Valtellina. Presentation and reporting of the CIUTA project
                               Interventions by the breeder members.
                               Giammario Tramanzoli, deputy director of ARAL, regional breeders association
10.10 - 10.30 Federica Turri (Cnr) and Flavia Pizzi (Cnr)
10.30 - 10.50 Claudio Febelli, Brianzola sheep (Meat)
                                Speech on the part of the meat Association of the Brianza Sheep: the situation of the meat supply chain
                                between production and commercial aspects, quality, traceability and marketing.
10.50 am - 11.10 am Antonella Tormen, Sedico Consortium Center (Belluno)
                              intervention: Creating added value for mountain sheep production:
                              the experience of the "Sheep Up Biodiversity Ovina Veneta" Project
11.10-11.30 Nicoletta Delladio, Tingola sheep from Val di Fiemme (?)

11.30 - 12 am Luciano Orsi and Pietro Irali, butchers and butchers expert in sheep processing
                              (Cornigliese sheep, Parma Apennines, Emilia Romagna)
12 - 12.10 Butega Valtellina (Giorgio Gobetti)
12.10 - 12.30 Roberto Pisano - Master Taster and National Vice President ONAS
                                Pierina Amalia Menneas - Master Taster and ONAS Delegate for Sardinia.

12.30 - 14 LUNCH

2.00 pm - 2.20 pm Elena Benedetti Del Rio, University of Padua.
                               Speech "Added value of sheep meat of local Venetian breeds"
2.20 pm - 2.40 pm Federica Bellagamba Silvana Mattiello Unimi

14.40 - 15.20 Andrea Messa, Matteo Bellini, Riccardo Figaroli
                                Speech: “Mountain farms and crops. P.A.N.project PRAT A. reintroduction
                                of milk sheep in the Bergamo valleys and cheese production: an experience from
                                export. C.A.A., alpine training center ".
1520 - 15.40 Luca Battaglini, DISAFA, University of Turin.
                                Intervention: What training for Italian pastoralism? The SNAP proposal, School
                                national sheep farming

15.40 - 15.50 Claudio Febelli, Brianzola sheep
                                Intervention part wool: Association of the Brianza Sheep: wool, a great one
                                "by-product": experiences of single-breed and non-single breed production - what a market for ours

15.50 - 18.45 Moment of discussion on various topics related to meat (informal moment)
3.55pm - 4.15pm Viola Framba The moody wool and experience of the Ecomuseum of Peio
16.15 - 16.35 Antonio Mauro R.S. - Research and Services srl - Prato
                                  Fabrizio Tesi Comistra srl ​​- Montemurlo (PO)
                                   Intervention "Italian wool: from washing to fabric" (Wool washing in Prato)
16.35 - 16.55 Lucio Rossi, Biella textile technologist
                                Intervention: Processing and transformation of native wool, carded yarn and
                                   worsted yarn and their use
16.55 - 17.15 Raffaella Mossotti, CNR-STIIMA, Biella
                                   Speech: "Enhancement of wool waste: an example of circular economy"
                                   Wool as a fertilizer (Life + GreenWoolF) and other non-textile uses of wool
17.15 - 18.45 Time for discussion in groups on various issues related to wool
                                   (informal meeting)
 Work tables on WOOL
- let us find: promotion network of local yarns and wool products;
- the use of local wool in weaving / knitting / felt;
- the experience of local wool summer schools, long-term relapses;
- dedicated markets: procedures, difficulties and prospects;

18.45 - 19.20 Plenary assembly to report the work of the groups dedicated to meat and wool
19.20 - 19.30 Greetings and thanks
9 pm - 10.30 pm
Presented by Luca Battaglini, screening (30 min) and short debate

SATURDAY 2 JULY Il filo di lana 2022, exhibition-market from 9.30 to 18.30
WOOL exhibitors: the local wool supply chain
Pro Patrimonio Montano / Silvana Cerasa, CIUTA sheep (Lombardy)
Vivilana and Fiordicotone, Brianzola sheep, REA Cooperative, Claudio Febelli (Lombardy)
Claudia Comar, artisan knitter, artisan excellence of Piedmont (Piedmont)
Grazing wool by Cristina Ferrarini and Brogna Sheep Association (Veneto)
(?) Tingola sheep from Val di Fiemme by Nicoletta Delladio (Trentino)
Bela by Elisa Cavallo (Piedmont)
Saltasassi sheep, Chiara Motta (Piedmont)
The moody wool of Viola Framba (Trentino)
Alpacare, Valtellina (Lombardy)
Lalazoo Artelier by Laura Dell’Erba (Lombardy)
Lucio Rossi, textile expert from Biella (Piedmont)
Ass Codadilana, Val Camonica (Lombardy)
Seeds of Wool, Valtellina (Lombardy)
White and soft Made in Corteno (Lombardy)
Antonio Mauro R.S. - Research and Services srl - Prato (Tuscany)

Lorenza Vitalini, Valtellina knitter
Farms and local artisans
LANA workshops
9 - 11 and 15 - 17 experiential workshops for children / adults
Introduction to the arts of spinning, dyeing, weaving and felting wool (Annalisa De Luca, Laura Dell’Erba, Adriana Perego, Codadilana, ...)
The maximum number of participants in each session is 8, participation fee of Euro 10.00

Activities and workshops for children, managed by Semi di lana
Lunch at local facilities with sheep-based products
20.30 - 22.30 Screening of the film on Italian shepherds “In questo mondo”, with the"WOOL" part
                                participation of director Anna Kauber

SUNDAY 3 JULY Il filo di lana 2022, exhibition-market from 9.30 to 18
WOOL exhibitors: the local wool supply chain
Farms and local artisans
LANA workshops
9 - 11 and 15 - 17 experiential workshops for children / adults
Introduction to the arts of spinning, dyeing, weaving and felting wool (Annalisa De Luca, Laura Dell’Erba, Adriana Perego, Codadilana, ...)
The maximum number of participants in each session is 8, participation fee of Euro 10.00

Activities and workshops for children, managed by Semi di lana

Lunch at local facilities with sheep-based products

14 - 16 Screening of the film on Italian shepherds "In this world", with the participation
                         by director Anna Kauber

Location Santa Caterina Valfurva, Italy