
Events Calendar


Intergovernmental Science-Policy  Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

A Stakeholder Day will be organized on 2 July 2022

Plenary of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy
Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

Ninth session

Bonn, Germany, 3–9 July 2022

Provisional agenda

  1. Opening of the session.
  2. Organizational matters:
    • Adoption of the agenda and organization of work;
    • Status of the membership of the Platform;
    • Election of officers.
  3. Admission of observers.
  4. Credentials of representatives.
  5. Report of the Executive Secretary on progress in the implementation of the rolling work programme up to 2030.
  6. Financial and budgetary arrangements for the Platform.
  7. Assessing knowledge:
    • Thematic assessment of the sustainable use of wild species;
    • Methodological assessment regarding the diverse conceptualization of multiple values of nature and its benefits, including biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services;
    • Scoping report for a methodological assessment of the impact and dependence of business on biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people;
    • Engagement with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
  8. Building capacity, strengthening knowledge foundations and supporting policy:
    • Work programme deliverables and task force workplans;
    • Nature futures framework prepared by the task force on scenarios and models.
  9. Improving the effectiveness of the Platform.
  10. Requests, input and suggestions for additional elements of the rolling work programme of the Platform up to 2030.
  11. Organization of the Plenary; dates and venues of future sessions of the Plenary.
  12. Institutional arrangements: United Nations collaborative partnership arrangement for the work of the Platform and its secretariat.
  13. Adoption of the decisions and the report of the session.
  14. Closure of the session.
Location Bonn, Germany