
Events Calendar

SAVE Annual Meeting 2022
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After two years of abstinence, we can finally invite you live to the annual conference of the SAVE Foundation again. The annual meeting takes place in the far north of Germany in the Buschhof in Kattendorf, Schleswig Holstein. Together with our German partner organization GEH, we have put together an exciting program.

The Arca Deli Awards will also take place again. You can download a flyer with previous Arca Deli Awards here. You can either give your product or the description of your service together with your declaration to your SAVE partner in your country or send it to GEH.

Thank you for your commitment and interest in traditional breeds and varieties and we look forward to welcoming you to the Buschhof in Kattendorf.

Your SAVE Foundation team

Location Kattendorf, Germany