

SAVE Annual Meeting
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The SAVE meeting 2017 will take place in Ponte de Lima, Portugal,  September 7 – 9, 2017. It will be organised by the SAVE foundation board Rui Dantas and FERA (The National Federation of Autochthonous Breeds) in Portugal in connection with a very intersting exhibition, the “Feiras Novas” (the new fairs), a three-day fair with rural products, animals and plants which has taken place since 1826 on the second weekend in September. The SAVE Annual Meeting will take place in the Escola Superior Agrária de Ponte de Lima, 706, Refoios, 4990 Refóios do Lima, Portugal, which is part of the Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo. The ESA-IPVC is located 4 km distance from the Highway A3 (Porto-Valença), 5 km from Ponte de Lima and 45 minutes from Porto. 72


Ort Ponte de Lima, Portugal
For Registration and more Details please contact the SAVE Network Office Wagenigen, Nonja Remijn Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!