

12th European Organic Congress
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Organic on every table: Added value for farmers, consumers and society

This Congress will look at how stakeholders and policymakers can work together to improve the livelihoods of farmers and rural communities, while at the same time protecting the environment and human health. The focus will be on how to make the food and farming sector more resilient, so that it can better cope with mounting environmental and socioeconomic pressures of the coming decade.
This event will gather high-level national and European decision-makers, the academia and key stakeholders from the food sector to discuss future policy reforms in farming, including the revision of the Common Agricultural Policy, Production Rules for the new Organic Regulation and dealing with Unfair Trading Practices.
The transformation role of organic farming will be discussed in the context of these ongoing reforms and new economic models.
The Congress language is English.

Ort Billrothaus, Frankgasse 8, 1090 Vienna, Austria