4-day course biobanking
Kontakt ww.inra.org.ma/fr/content/13112019-post-graduate-image-training-course-21-24-january-2020-beni-mellal-morocco#overlay-co
he National Institute of Agronomic Research in Morocco INRA-Morocco organizes a 4-day course, in the framework of the EU Horizon 2020 project IMAGE. This event will follow the 1-day workshop that will be organized within IMAGE project with Moroccan decision-makers and stakeholders.
Title: Biobanking for a sustainable management of Farm Animal Genetic Resources (FAnGR): novel approaches in genomics, reproductive technologies, and economics.
Aim: Give an update on the role of biobanking for sustainable management of farm animal genetic resources (FAnGR) with a focus on the use of novel methods in genomics, reproduction, economics and the possibility to carry out practical cases of interest to participants.
Ort Beni Mellal city, Morocco