The aim of the conference is simple: it is increasingly recognised that conservation can only be properly achieved with Indigenous Peoples, in full recognition of their rights. It is therefore urgent that we develop cross-disciplinary understanding not just of conservation, but also of the way that conservation and people go together. The conference will be held virtually. The conference was originally proposed by the University of East Anglia’s School of International Development, and we are pleased to welcome as co-organisers alongside UEA: Forest Peoples Programme, the Linnean Society, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, the University of Kent’s School of Anthropology and Conservation, the Anthropology and Environment Society (a section of the AAA), Botanic Garden Conservation International, the Society of Ethnobiology and Cambridge Conservation Initiative.
Non-Fellows: £120
Concessions (students, unemployed and retired persons): £30
Delegates with low income from Low Income Countries (https://g2lm-lic.iza.org/call-phase-iv/list-of-lic/): £15