

22. Peliti Seed Festival 2022 & 4. Olympic Seed Festival.
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On 2017, the 1st Olypic Seed’s Festival was organized. Seventeen (17) countries from all over the world have participated and it was then that we created the declaration of the celebration.
On 2018, the 2nd Olympic Seed’s Festival was organized. Seventeen (17) countries from all over the world have participated.
On 2019, the 3rd Olympic Seed’s Festival was organized. Ten (10) countries from all over the word have participated.
The festival has inspired thousands of people worldwide, encouraging them to organize corresponding celebrations in Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey, Cyprus and other countries.
Every year, thousands of people not only from Greece but also from all over the world participate in the festival.

supported by woman and men all over the world who are excited about the Peliti Seed Festival and the Olympic Seed festival.
It is under the auspices of the Greek National Commission for UNESCO
The Peliti Seed Festival has inspired thousands of people in Greece and abroad. The corresponding seed festivals in Greece, Bulgaria, Cyprus and elsewhere were inspired by this celebration. The Peliti Seed Festival is the first public celebration of the exchange of traditional varieties that took place in the country and in Europe 1999 aqnd continues to this day. In 2013 the Peliti Seed Festival was described by from Australia as "The lagrgest celebration of the exchange of traditional verieties in the world".


Ort In Mesochori, ParanesΠελίτι / Peliti, Paranesti 660 35, Greece